We have been cultivating our Gelber Muskateller for over twenty years, which makes us one of the pioneers working with this fruity grape variety in the Kremstal. It is grown in three different vineyards, all of which are dominated by loess. Very healthy grapes are pressed exclusively, because only then do we obtain the finest expression of fruit. The very dry, light Muskateller is an ideal apéritif and goes well with light starters & salads.

→ Data sheet Gelber Muskateller 2023 – download (in German)



  • Vintage 2023: Falstaff – 91/100 points
  • Vintage 2022: Falstaff – 91/100 points
  • Vintage 2022: “Presse”-Weingenuss-tasting – 15,8/20 points, winner 2023
  • Vintage 2022: Vinaria 3/5 stars
  • Vintage 2021: 2nd place at Muskateller-tast of the newspaper “Die Presse”
  • Vintege 2021: Vinaria – 16,9/20 points: 2nd place Muskateller tasting
  • Vintage 2021: Falstaff – 90/100 points
  • Vintage 2020: Vinaria tastings „Muskateller & Co.“ – Lower Austrias best Muskateller
  • Vintage 2020: Falstaff – 90/100 points
  • Vintage 2020: Vinaria – 3/5 stars


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